Vehicle operation economics depend on theirs technical condition. Operator may have doubts about carrying out service operations specified by manufacturer and about service life of particular vehicle nodes. Tribotechnical diagnostics allows technical monitoring of individual components.
We established regular lubricants monitoring with infrared spectrometry methodology which can analyse asked question.
This methodology is able to secure very high guarantee of oil full funcionality. This is achieved by loss of high temperature antioxidants (aditives) inspection, base oil degradation scale and also detection of possible contamination with other substances (water, glycol, fuel).
Monitored parameters:
It`s necessary to supply samples of operating and reference oils to get required data. Methodology is based on these two samples spectra comparison.
We also determine engine deterioration and identify failure nature.
Deterioration stage and nature of failure is determined by instrumental methodology - feromagnetic analysis. This methodology monitors magnetic metals, metal materials of non-magnetic nature, products of additives decomposition and dust particles. Named particles are caught in magnetic field on microscopic glass where so-called feromagnetical trace is created which is then analysed microscopicaly. This concernes particles of steel divided into: emergency, fatigue, abrasive, adhesive, spherical, rust particles and metaloxids. Next it is particles of gama hematite which prove wrong actual lubrication of oil system. Products of oil degradation, dust marked as silicon Si and paramagnet particles: copper, aluminium, lead, zinc and tin. We can also find particles from sealing and others.
Systematic monitoring can determine development trend of machine deterioration. Periodical interval of 3 months is established (based on analysis results) if the situation does not require shorter one. Knowledge of engine`s material structure is necessary to determine nature of deterioration.

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